Monday, July 16, 2012

Macro Monday - Kitty Paws

These cute kitty paws belong to one of the 12 cats that live on the grounds of Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, where they help keep the gardeners and mice in line.

Don't forget to check out other macro photos at Macro Monday


Unknown said...

Adorable paws!

Anonymous said...

Great of the best for this round of Macro Monday. Of course your subject matter helped sway my vote.

Soggibottom said...

They looked very well groomed :-)
Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

Anonymous said...

I love kitty paws. We have eight of them here!

Unknown said...

Beautiful photo. I was just introduced to the Longwood Gardens by a friend who was there in June. My husband and I plan a trip there as soon as he can get some time away from work. It is first on the list of places we HAVE TO GO! I need to go back to your page and follow you. I'm new to Macro Monday and I'm blown away! Great pictures..

Minoru said...

Very interesting photo. Good paws.